It's not everyday that a pretty complete, pretty new, tool chest complete with tools from 1797 survives intact. But that's exactly what happened with the tool chest Benjamin Seaton's father gave him in 1797. If you are interested in tools (and who isn't) the tool chest is one of the best pieces of first hand evidence on what hand tools of the time really looked at. So when TATHS originally published the book "Tool Chest of Benjamin Seaton" it was a must read (I have two copies, one in the office and one at home). The main criticism of the first edition book, and actually the only criticism was that it didn't go far enough. We wanted to know more. We wanted details of all the tools, we wanted plans for the tool box, we loved the tidbits about the Seaton family.
I am very, very pleased to report that we were listened to. This new 2012 second edition is twice as long, has ton's more detail, lots of it discovered since the original book was published, and most important MEASURED DRAWINGS of all the tools and the toolbox. Yes Virginia - you can now build one too. I just got my hands on the book today and I haven't digested it. I haven't really done more than skim it but I am aching to dig in. I have millions of questions in my head about the tools that can now be answered. The measured drawings alone, which now compose about half the book, make this a must have. I suspect two copies are in my future, one a copy that TATHS is sending to all it's members as part of their membership (I have been a member for years but join now if you can) and I will purchase a copy for my office. We do have stock in so the books are available for immediate delivery now.